
7 Smart Home Upgrades that will Make Your Life Easy

The introduction of smart home devices has not only made our life easier but also most of our tasks are automated these days! From cleaning devices to smart blinds, these super-cool gadgets will make your life as easy as a breeze.

Are you tired of getting out of the bed to switch off the lights? Or you hate to set the thermostat temperature manually? Well, with these home automation devices, you can control everything on your fingertips.

Here are the top 7 smart home upgrades you need right now to make your life hassle-free.

1. Get a Squeaky Clean Home with Smart Robot Vacuum Cleaners

Robotic Vacuum Cleaner scaled

Image Credit: Flickr

Cleaning is an essential task to make our homes spotlessly clean. But cleaning isn’t easy, especially if you have a busy life and kids that undermine your cleaning efforts! With smart robot vacuum cleaners, you can automate the cleaning process.

These robot vacuums can plunge into action automatically if you use the scheduled cleaning functionality. Moreover, the devices can charge themselves without human intervention, so you have to invest zero efforts in cleaning your home. Here are a few best budget robot vacuums that you can consider for your home.

2. Stay in Shade with Smart Blinds

With smart blinds, you can actually save a considerable amount of money on the energy bills by maintaining the temperature of your home. Closing a blind needs you to be physically present at the spot, but with smart blinds or shades, you can close or open the blinds remotely just with some clicks on your Smartphone.

Many advanced smart blinds are compatible with voice assistants like Echo Dot and Google Home, so you can close the blinds right from sitting in any corner of your house.

3. Improved Security with Smart Video Doorbells

Smart Doorbell

Image Credit: Wikimedia

By using a smart video doorbell, you can completely eliminate the need to get up from your bed to find out who has knocked on your door. These doorbells come equipped with motion detection sensors and cameras, so you will have a crystal clear view of the outside on your Smartphone’s screen.

You can easily talk to the visitors remotely and can ensure superior safety for your home and the residents. Most of these smart home devices have built-in voice assistants, and a verbal command is enough to check the door’s view.

4. Safeguard Your Home with Smart Smoke Detector

You might be wondering how a smart smoke detector can make your life easy! We have a satisfactory explanation for you! With an intelligent smoke detector, you can ensure 100% safety for your home from fire hazards. These devices can differentiate between different types of smoke to help you with accurate information.

Moreover, these smart home devices can call for help by notifying the dedicated agencies like the firefighters. When something guarantees to safeguard your home from fire hazards, your life will automatically become less hectic, as you have fewer things to worry about.

5. Controlled Temperature with Smart Thermostats

Smart Thermostat

Image Credit: Wikimedia

It’s not new that with manual thermostats you have to set the temperature manually, and that is nothing less than a task. But with a smart thermostat, you will get the best and nicest temperature to relax whenever you come home.

These programmable devices can help you in saving a substantial amount of energy while maintaining the best temperature according to your needs. You can even use the mobile app or voice assistants to control these smart home devices on the go.

6. Save Electricity with Smart Plugs

Smart plugs offer a convenient and effortless way to access the control of your house appliances. From turning off the kid’s bedroom TV to turning on the air conditioner, you can do everything just with a few clicks or verbal commands (in case the smart plug is compatible with voice assistants).

With these smart plugs, you will get remote access, and you can even turn on/off the appliances when you are not home. Connect multiple devices and control them with a single interface with smart plugs.

7. Reinvent Ease with Smart Locks

Smart Locks

Image Credit: Wikimedia

Long gone are the days when people used to maintain a bunch of keys to different locks installed in their homes. With smart locks, you have to keep no physical keys at all, as you can unlock the door with a digital code or biometrics. Not only it will ensure ultimate privacy, but also it will become much more convenient to open the door.

Now you don’t have to rush for the keys to open the doors when you have upgraded to a smart lock.

Wrapping It Up

With these smart home upgrades, you can live your life with the utmost ease. Also, managing these home automation devices require you to download a mobile app, and you can even manage multiple devices simultaneously with a smart home hub.

Big Adieu to the tough life with these essential home upgrades!

Author Bio

Sam is the senior researcher and writer for He is a full-time professional writer who spends most of his time covering the real-world impact of smart home technologies on consumer’s lives around the world. He is a full-time writer and when not writing he is traveling and playing rugby.


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