CADSoftTools Offers a Quality and Free Online PDF to DWG Converter
PDF is the most used file format for it is compatible with almost all computer applications.
If you are a designer, there might be times, you need to convert PDF to DWG when working on the design.
As everybody knows the PDF file format is quite difficult to edit. However, this problem can be solved by converting a PDF file to editable formats.
You can find many easy ways to convert a PDF back into CAD format files, for there are a number of PDF to DWG converters, which can be downloaded, or online PDF to DWG converter can be used.

Representative Images (Source: CADSoftTools)
We found one such innovative, simple in use, and quality conversion tool, Free Online PDF to DWG Converter developed by CADSoftTools enables users to convert PDF to DWG which is one of the main CAD formats supported by the overwhelming majority of products.
How does it work?
The name of this converter speaks for itself – it is online and it is free.
On the converter page, you should select a PDF file (all versions of PDF are supported), enter your email, click the Convert button and wait for a letter with a link to the converted file.
As a rule, it comes within several minutes. Nothing difficult, right?
The significant advantages of this converter are the following:
- Texts contained in the PDF files after conversion remain texts in the DWG files;
- Conversion of Unicode characters (including Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters);
- The style of the text remains the same;
- Almost exact correspondence to the original file – arrangement of entities, colour, etc.;
- The absence of watermarks that make further work with files difficult.
Thus the online service provides high-quality conversion that requires a minimum of effort and time.
If you want to try the PDF to DWG converter, you can visit their official page by clicking CADSoftTools.