
Mobile App Development Trends to Watch Out for in 2019

People today are becoming more comfortable using their smartphone in comparison to using the computer or laptop. The convenience of being able to shop or browse through products on your phone makes it easier for a consumer to depend on their phone rather than having to use the computer or laptop.  

While it is easy to browse through a website of a company or a business using the phone, it’s not as convenient to access the services or products online as compared to a mobile app. Mobile applications are designed specifically for Smartphone users and it makes the ease of access a lot simpler.   

In order for you to get the best mobile app, you should make sure that you get in touch with the right mobile app development company. There are various ways you can do that but if you want a list then you can find top app development company.  

Once you hire the right mobile app development company you should always clear your terms with them with regards to what you would like to see on the app and how you imagine the app would look and function like.  

Mobile application trends keep on changing and in case you are not too sure what are the latest trends then here are a few you should know about.  

Internet Of Things

Internet of things basically refers to Smart home or smart technology. It’s the functionality of being able to control the various devices in your house using your smartphone.   

If your business is involved in creating devices that run in the house appliances that are used in a household you may want to consider creating a mobile-based application that can help control and run these gadgets in and around the house.  

This could be anything from the garage door to a light bulb inside the house. You may think that it is too much of an effort but once you have the right mobile app designed to control these things it helps to boost your sales through a great extent.   

Smart home technology has become the need of the day and more and more people are looking for smart solutions which are why you should not risk leaving your business behind.  


One of the biggest trends that have caught up in the last couple of years is cryptocurrency. A number of governments have started investing in cryptocurrencies such as blockchain in order to secure assets and for compliance purposes.   

One of the mobile apps that have definitely got the potential to become huge and successful is the blockchain mobile app. All banks were expected to adopt blockchain in the past year and this is the reason a mobile app that will facilitate transactions for blockchain is something that you can look forward to in the coming year.  

Cross Platform Integration

Android versus iOS is a huge battle that has been going on for the past decade. There are a number of APP developers that are loyal to each of these operating systems.  

One of the new trends that have recently caught up is developing cross platform applications. This not only saves money in developing individual apps for each of the operating systems, but you will also even be able to increase your market size.   

Cross platform applications help you gain more customers and it will also cement your credibility in the world of app development. If you are able to create an app that can be accessed by Android as well as iOS users then you will definitely capture the attention of the end user.  

Virtual Reality

Another trend that has recently caught up is virtual reality. There are a number of virtual reality headsets that are available across the world and the prices of these headsets have been dropping consistently. This means that more and more people will now be purchasing virtual reality headsets and the need for virtual reality mobile apps will be on the rise.   

This is something that you need to be aware of and stay ahead of the market. There have been various advancements in the world of virtual reality however they were in the premium range and were not affordable by most customers.  

Virtual reality can expand into a number of areas. Apart from gaming, medical teams have also accepted virtual reality in order to practice surgeries that are difficult. Not only does it help budding doctors to see the functionalities in real time, but it will also ensure that there is no undue pressure on them to save a life.   

There are various such areas where virtual reality has a lot of potentials. You just need to tap into the market and see where a mobile app will assist an end user and how much scope it has for expansion.  

Mobile Payment

Another trend that will surely catch on in the upcoming year is the trend of mobile payments. Wallets have been popular in the past and a number of people have used wallets for online payments as well as transferring money to friends and family members.   

However, the world of mobile payment is not that sophisticated and there is scope for a lot of improvement. This is where you need to think out of the box and make sure that you create an app that will not only take the world of mobile payment by storm, it will also ensure that people take you seriously as an app developer.  

One of the best things about mobile app development is you have the option of creating something that no one else has done before. You can think outside the box and develop things that will help people in their day to day life.   

Apart from the standard banking applications as well as food delivery applications, you can come up with new ideas that will not only revolutionize the mobile app industry, it will also ensure that you move ahead in the app development world and gain a lot of credibilities.

Kate Westall

I am Kate Westall, a freelance writer and a professional blogger, who enjoys enlightening others about unknown and little known facts. I love to write on all general and professional topics. Follow me on social media to know more.

Kate Westall has 45 posts and counting. See all posts by Kate Westall

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