
How is Experiential Marketing Working with Social Media to Give Lucrative Returns to Business Owners?

How is Experiential Marketing Working with Social Media to Give Lucrative Returns to Business Owners?

Experiential marketing has become a lot more than a buzzword. It is the form of marketing that fosters the interactions between the brands and their potential customers. 

The best aspect of experiential marketing is that it does not have to be a crude sponsorship or an eyesore banner in the middle of nowhere. It comes in the form of activation spaces and events. 

In simpler words, your target audience sees you as a part of art, culture, literature, food events, trade shows, and exhibitions. Event marketing is the fine art of marketing and advertising that adds elegance to a brand’s presence and their products.

You might be inseparable from your iPhone or laptop, but experiential marketing is not experiencing a setback. Contrary to the predictions of marketing gurus from a decade ago, live marketing has only been gaining momentum. 

While people are all in for online shopping, they also want a point of contact with the brands they love. Almost 90% of the audience believes that face to face brand experiences is necessary to increase brand engagement. More research shows that live events strengthen brand loyalty and improve the brand’s image overall. 

It comes at a time when most brands are withdrawing the lion’s share of the resources from the brick-and-mortar installations and investing more in their social media efforts. They believe that social media is the key to salvation and the only way they can make it to the peak of success is by following the online path! 

The goodness of the best marketing strategies

Well, what if we told you, you could be immensely successful and famous by blending in everything good about event marketing with the perks of social media marketing. 

Now, event marketing teams need to understand that their buyers perceive brands as individuals. Therefore, tangible presence and real-life interactions are always more valuable online posts and promotions. 

Now, just as we have said before, you need to find the perfect balance between the two. Event management requires considerable planning and resources. You will need to find the location, secure the place, find the talent, train them and then ready your products for the event. 

You cannot let all of this go grossly unnoticed because you picked the one day people do not visit the mall, or they do not go to the park because it is a cloudy day!

How to marry event marketing with social media?

Once you are in the planning phase, you must include the aspect of social media promotions. You need your upcoming event to be the talk of the town before it even hits the ground. In short, release a few teaser posters and videos that people are going to gobble up. 

Research shows that people love watching branded videos, especially when there is a chance of winning a gift. Lure them in through your Instagram and Facebook posts, if necessary and leave them on a cliffhanger for now. Visit the top experiential marketing agency Roots3 Productions to find out how. 

Fix the date of the event and confirm it on social media. Throw in goodies like “The first 50 registering customers get 50% off” or something similar. That will ensure that your pop-up store or shipping container shop does not go empty for as long as you are out there. 

Encourage people to engage with your brand on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Find your target user groups on the popular social media channels and communicate with them. Urge them to post selfies from your pop-up location and share them with branded hashtags. 

What is an excellent experiential marketing strategy?

While experiential marketing might seem like the diametrically opposite of online marketing, you can tie them together with the thread of communication. Coupling the live experience with the social one will drive the impact to the maximum amplitude. 

Famous brands have been doing that for quite some time now, and they are getting insanely impressive results. Take the Red Bull Stratos for example. There are only handfuls few millennials who have not seen the Stratos jump a live stream. It has not only become the insignia of adventure sports, but it has also put Red Bull on the minds of all adventure sports lovers. 

That is what an outstanding experiential marketing campaign should do for your brand. It should cement your name in the minds of the loyalists. Any similar event or related action should remind them of your brand and products. The secret is to keep a point of engagement before the event, during and after it as well. 

Creating an online presence should help you maintain the visibility of your company for an extended period on any social media platform. Leverage the post-event afterglow as much as you can to keep reminding people of the exclusive experience you sponsored. 

It is now possible to track the influence of a campaign

Earlier, it was a little difficult to monitor the impact of a live event, but now it is much easier thanks to social media tracking technology. The new social media listening tools and the KPI monitoring methods can track the progress of a brand more accurately than ever. 

The currently available technology helps with the measurement of the anonymous and passive audience monitoring as well. Most social media marketing tools track total visitor footfall, conversion rate, traffic source, dwell time and the frequency of visits accurately. 

Point to remember

Always remember that with experiential marketing you are selling an experience and not a product. Reach out to your customers and let them know about it. 

Your ulterior motive can be to promote a product or a service, but at that moment you need to make your target customers believe that you are providing them with an exclusive experience that no other brand can offer right now. Apart from real contact and communication with a brand, customers value the exclusivity of any experience the most, and they value such brands.


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