
H2 Energy Renaissance has Developed an Affordable Hydrogen Generator that Produces Cheap Hydrogen to Power our Home, Cars and Buildings

Hydrogen fuel is safe. It’s colorless, odorless and nontoxic. It’s also the most efficient of all the fuels currently in use. In fact, our own sun uses hydrogen as its energy source.   

Hydrogen is one of two natural elements that combine to make water. Hydrogen is not an energy source, but an energy carrier because it takes a great deal of energy to extract it from water. It is useful as a compact energy source in fuel cells and batteries. Many companies are working hard to develop technologies that can efficiently exploit the potential of hydrogen energy.  

For the past seven years, the team at H2 Energy Renaissance, a California-based startup, has been working to develop a clean, safe and affordable new fuel source. The team, composed of some of the world’s top PhD scientists with backgrounds including NASA and other top research centers, has patented a hydrogen generator.  

The H2 Energy Renaissance hydrogen generator was first developed in 2009 by a R&D team led by co-founder and President Jack Aganyan. CEO and co-founder Kirill Gichunts decided to push the idea of developing a new, clean technology, reports Prweb.  


EPA standard certified large unit of the Hydrogen Generator. Electricity and heat for 20-40 homes (Image credit: H2 Energy Renaissance)  

As per press release published by Prnewswire, hydrogen soon to be mass-produced, would provide power to every house and vehicle with clean energy at reduced cost; this transforms the energy sector forever. The Energy Renaissance Hydrogen Generator is completely clean and safe, is 50% cheaper than fossil fuels and can power anything.   

The Patented H2 Energy Renaissance hydrogen generator, which is inexpensive to manufacture, produces on-demand affordable hydrogen. This technology shall reduce the costs of electricity and fuel transport at least by 50%.  

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Image credit: H2 Energy RenaissanceEconomic Benefits

  • Generator produces hydrogen at an affordable 50 cents to $1 per kilogram.
  • Placed on cars as source of fuel, it will cost $1 to drive 60 miles.
  • Toyota Mirai goes 67 miles on 1kilogram of hydrogen.
  • If placed in a home to produce electricity, 1kWh will cost 5-7 cents.
  • Californians pay about 20 cents per kWh, in Europe and Japan 1 kWh costs 20-30 cents.

Fossil fuels kill millions, pollute air and water, and cause climate change. United Nations asserts that hydrogen will be the primary transport fuel of the next century.

How does it work?  

The generator uses 150 watts of electricity to remove oxide film from Aluminum with an electro-hydraulic shock; then, 16 physical and chemical processes efficiently break up water molecules. The generator needs tap water, aluminum, electricity (from solar panel), and a basic chemical catalyst. The generator is completely safe.  

How can the generator be used?  

It will connect to an engine, fuel cell, boiler or a turbine to produce electricity, heat or motion. These applications power 98% of the world’s energy use. The generator is a portable source of clean fuel. (like a portable fuel pump)

  • Use wherever fuel or electricity is needed.
  • Use at home, on a farm, or at a factory for affordable clean electricity.
  • Perfect for backup power.

100 years ago air-travel seemed impossible. Today it is taken for granted. The cleaner, cheaper alternative to dangerous, dirty fossil or nuclear fuel is finally here.

Soon, everyone will have a choice to produce clean electricity in their backyard, or to buy a hydrogen car. The generator will give people a real choice to save money and save the earth from environmental destruction.   

H2 Energy Renaissance hydrogen generator received an award grant in 2013 from the Galloway Nielsen Foundation. 

About H2 Energy Renaissance   

H2 Energy Renaissance is a California-based startup founded in 2009. The organization is led by co-founder and CEO Kirill Gichunts and is comprised of some of the world’s top researchers with the same dedication to protecting the environment and promoting green technology.

H2 Energy Renaissance received a Galloway Nielsen Foundation grant in 2013 to continue working and developing upon their now-patented Energy Renaissance hydrogen generator.


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