How to Write a Good Research Paper Successfully and Fast?
Did you just procrastinate till the very last day before submission of your research paper? It is not really a wise thing to do but if you have already made that mistake, let’s fix it instead of panicking. Following is a simple guide to write your research paper fast without compromising on the quality.
Think of a topic
First you need to think of a topic on which you will be writing your research paper. Most of the times the topic is given by the teachers but if it is not the case, think of one immediately. It is very important to know the topic because it serves as the plot without which you will have no starting point for the essay.

Do your research
After the topic is selected, start the research work. There are multiple types of research and you must use all of them in order to gather the best possible data which is most effective and informative. Search for the research articles and previous studies. You can also take guide papers from any fast paper writing service. They provide relevant research papers and essays as guidelines and source of information. Make sure to choose the urgent one so that you get it in due time without missing your deadline.
Make the thesis statement
Thesis statement is the most important part of any research essay. Therefore, it is better to make the thesis statement first before starting the introduction paragraph. Once you are done with the research procedure, write the thesis statement and include the main arguments in it.
Make the outline of the paper
After the thesis statement, make the structure outline of the research paper. In the outline, you must consider the information available with you. Also, remember to first do the research and then make the outline because otherwise you will not know what information would be available and could ruin the outline. The structure must include all the paragraphs and sections of the paper. That also means that you must identify the main point to be discussed in every paragraph.
Start writing the essay
After the structure is complete, immediately get to the writing part. Don’t forget that the writing part is another important and time-consuming part. Since you have shortage of time, you cannot waste any more time and must write in a flow without any disturbance. Get in a quiet room of the place and keep away all the distractions; most importantly your cell phone. Start with the introduction paragraph. Introduce your topic to the readers so that they get a rough idea of the following essay.
The introduction paragraph is mostly of around 100 words only. Starting with the brief introduction and ending with the thesis statement. The body section comprises of three to five paragraphs. It totally depends on the requirements and the topic of the essay. However, it is important that each paragraph discusses one main argument of the research and all the relevant and important details are included in that only.
The paragraphs are supposed to be start with a topic sentence which also identifies the argument being discussed in the paragraph. In the end, write the conclusion of the essay in which you should also include the rephrased thesis statement from the introduction paragraph. Discuss the results and outcome of the research that you have done in the essay. If you are running short on time, discussed above is the simple guideline to write your research essay in a limited time period. However, even these steps need to be done at a fast pace without procrastinating even for a bit.