
How to Write a Solid Business Blog That Attracts Visitors


When working on your own business blog, it can’t be bland and boring. It must make use of clever marketing too. Find out more in our ultimate guide about writing solid business blogs which attract visitors.

There are many different ideas for writing top notch business content that attracts an audience but the very best is to write for your audience. When blogs started, they originated as the kinds of format for journaling online, e.g. a forum for discussing the latest games such as novoline automaten, but this isn’t what’s going to cut it in terms of a successful blog for your business today. You might be lucky maintaining a small business blog but instead one has to think about creating content which drives their target audience, so what does this entail?

So much reach

Blogging is actually one of the most effective ways that you can attract visitors to your website. Some great statistics are that 47% of people between the ages of 19 and 29 our reading blogs on a regular basis. Now think about if you can reach that kind of traffic! Blogging is therefore a brilliant way of increasing traffic towards your website, turbocharging conversions.

But as blogging going to work for your business? There is so much content online already after all and if yours isn’t up to the standard of other blogs, you will never be able to break through all of the noise. How is it then possible to create your own blog posts that respected users will come to enjoy?

Were going to take you through many ideas for creating solid business content which will always attract new viewers. Ready? Let’s find out more together.

Writing for the audience

When businesses start to blog, they usually think about writing articles related to themselves. The original blogging definition was all about journaling online, but that isn’t what will make a great blog today for your business. It is not about bragging and showing off exactly what you know either. One can also forget using jargon and any smart words because users just won’t understand any of this. Writing for the audience is key.

Content needs to be both useful and relevant for your audience. People will come to blogs for answers to their problems and will look for information that is convenient and offers guidance.

It is important to think about what sort of content your audience will find useful and worthy of reading. If you’ve already began a blog for your business from home, take a look at your analytics and monitor which posts are popular. By doing this you’ll be able to decipher what your audience needs. Make sure that you create content which is not only enjoyable but very easy reading. The best way to do this is writing in a casual manner, just like if you were speaking to your friends. Keep this in mind in order to create content that reads well and is relatable. We would also recommend any of the following:

  • Use of headings
  • Addition of bullet points
  • Adding some catchy images
  • Keeping your paragraphs small
Writing articles
Image source

Looking at competition

Another very important thing to do is to scope out what’s already been written by your competitors or even other popular startup blogs. If you’re not able to beat them, find out what they’re doing and emulate it. By looking at your competitors you’ll be able to think about what works best and whatever works for them can also work for you. This should help you drive business and create better results.

Study all of the top content and figure out just how you’ll be able to create something similar. How does this compare to what you’ve been writing? Which platforms are best and for what purpose? What are the key topics that will help you gain an audience? Sooner or later you’ll have a strong idea.

Business Blog SEO

Don’t even think about writing a single word without considering SEO. Even if you have the most spectacular and eye catching content on earth, without SEO in mind people will never be able to discover it. It is the use of search engine optimization that is going to lead visitors towards your website and blog. Just think about what this means for your business: people are clicking on over 3 billion searches from Google on a daily basis. If you’ll want that great business content of yours to be found by all those users, your content is going to need to be ranked high by the search engines.

It’s important to consider how your prospective audience would normally try and search for you. As an example, if you’re a company creating analytics software, the audience may be typing in “best analytics software” into Google. You’ll want to then add this key phrase into your content in a harmonious way so that your blog can advance up in Google’s ladder. It’s the best way of getting results.

We would always advise doing the following:

  • Make your posts longer as to get better results
  • Add keywords within the title
  • Add links to other websites
  • Optimize any alt text of any images in your posts
  • Add internal links to your own website pages
  • Optimize meta descriptions
  • Write not for SEO specifically but write content with SEO at the back of your mind
Content with SEO
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The tools to write your great business blog

Hopefully now that you’ve read this guide, you’ll be well equipped with the tools you need. Take your knowledge of how to create a successful blog and create fantastic and optimized content that people will want to share with their friends. These tips will help you soon become a popular spot in the online sphere. When hundreds of people will be coming to you to check out the advice in your blog, you’ll discover that you’ll have many prospective customers to target. Best of luck!

Do you have any tips on blogging or how to start a blog business? Tell us in our comments section below.


This article was written by Thomas Glare, a copywriter from Kent in the United Kingdom. Thomas has frequently contributed in writing personal development blogs and creating content for websites about business. If you ever see him in his local pub, buy him a pint of bitter (his favorite drink!)


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