
Tips to Help Your Employees Stay Productive

Managing an entire office or even just a single department can be very challenging. Your success is measured by the product of your team’s collective efforts. As a manager, you should never stop looking for ways to enhance productivity.

Provide Tools That Are Easy to Use

In general, technology is supposed to make life easier. In an office environment, technology can make some tasks harder than they need to be. The things that your team uses most frequently should be user-friendly. Look for office phone systems that are user-friendly but offer all of the features that you and your employees would most like to have. Key equipment such as multifunction printer-copiers shouldn’t involve any battles or constant performance issues. If you lease one, be sure to work with a company that offers responsive service.

Emphasize Teamwork

Facilitating efficient collaboration is one of the most vital aspects of your role as a manager. Team building exercises can strengthen your personnel’s ability to communicate and share responsibility. Some exercises have the added benefit of reinforcing your leadership and helping your team trust you more. You should also make it a point to commend good teamwork. Positive feedback and praise that focuses on group efforts encourage employees to work well together.

Be Attentive to Ergonomics

Work-related injuries are surprisingly common in office environments, and repetitive strain injuries are among the most common. Evaluating the ergonomics of your employees’ workstations can make a big difference in their health and productivity levels. Consider equipment such as comfortable chairs, modular desks, and split keyboards. Even if employees aren’t sustaining injuries, simply taking steps to make them more comfortable will help them accomplish more throughout a workday. Your team will value knowing that you take their health and comfort seriously.

Clarify Your Expectations

In order for your employees to do their best work, they need to know what’s expected of them. Setting goals and clarifying important responsibilities creates a template for employees to succeed. Also, being able to identify minimum criteria for satisfactory performance makes it possible for employees to exceed expectations and spare them from worrying whether their work is good enough. Some good ways to support your team in this respect include providing written job descriptions, performance evaluations, and one-on-one counseling.

Make your employee’s workloads easier to handle by simplifying key tasks and stay accessible by streamlining your communication with them. You may see a considerable improvement in their work output.


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