Why You Should Study Business in Munich?

Munich, the city with centuries-old buildings, is a top choice amongst MBA aspirants. One of the reasons for that is the existence of some of the best universities in Germany in this city.
There are many leading universities/institutes/colleges in Munich, such as the Technical University of Munich, Munich Business School and New European College that offer MBA degrees.
To select one amongst these may seem challenging at first, but once you lay down your requirements and weigh each individually, you’ll easily arrive at an answer. The question, however, comes down to why Munich. The answer is, why not.
When you have business schools such as EU Business School offering you amazing opportunities like leadership lectures, guest lectures and even such wonderful programs as campus exchange, who would not want to pursue MBA in Munich.
There are more reasons why an MBA in Munich holds high value and why you should opt for it.
In this blog, we will be discussing those reasons.
Munich’s Geographical Location
This is one of the best reasons why Munich is the right place for you to pursue your MBA. Munich is located at a relative stone’s throw from Paris, Berlin, Brussels, and London. That makes traveling to these wonderful places and exploring their culture while you pursue your MBA extremely easy.
Also, Munich’s airport has been named the best in Europe in 2015 by the World Airport Awards as it serves a host of low-cost companies and long hauls, and for various other reasons.
Munich is one of the leaders in Technology
Technology is leading the world today. As an MBA aspirant, you would need to stay updated about upcoming technologies. Munich will provide you with an amazing exposure to the tech world, especially when considering it is the headquarter for twenty-two thousand high-tech brands, all of which are involved in various tech industries such as cloud computing, automotive engineering, electronics, and aviation among others.
Munich is relatively easier on pockets
As a student, you may have a fixed budget for expenditures. Munich will help you to manage that easily for not only the accommodation is cheaper here but the cost of food is decent too. To give you the figures, a decent furnished studio apartment in Munich can be had at anywhere between three hundred and five hundred euros, and a Big Mac will cost you a decent $3.90, more or less.
Munich is a Business Hub
No doubt many colleges in Munich offer an MBA degree for it is one of the leading business hubs in the world. In true sense, Munich has got the best of both worlds, we mean it is as much a metropolitan city as a small town which makes it a wonderful place to pursue your higher education in.
Munich is home to many cultures
You can easily deduce these from two facts, one Munich is a business hub and two of Munich’s slogan is, ‘Munich loves you’. Having said that, Munich has about ninety international business communities, over seventy bilingual childcare facilities, four hundred international clubs, and sixteen international schools. With these details, you can easily deduce how excellently Munich caters to international students.
Munich has easy accessibility
That statement runs both ways. It is not only easy to reach Munich from other cities, and even countries, but easy to travel within the city as well. In fact, most of the districts in Munich are easily accessible by foot.
So, it won’t be wrong to call Munich a pedestrian city. For longer distances, you have Munich’s transportation system called the MVV. It is not only one of the safest, cleanest and easiest-to-use public transportation systems in Europe, but also one of the most affordable.
World’s most famous and biggest beer festival happens in Munich. Oktoberfest attracts an interesting crowd from various cities and countries every year and is on the bucket list of many people across the globe.
An experience of a lifetime, Oktoberfest is one of the best ways to experience German efficiency. For MBA aspirants, it is a great opportunity to network for people get together for business meetings and tech conferences.
There are many more reasons why studying MBA in Munich is advantageous. We’ll leave those reasons for you to explore while you pursue your MBA in Munich.