
SolarSkin from Sistine Solar – Envision a World Where Solar Energy Is Iconic and Inspirational

The solar power industry is going through a tremendous burst of creativity and innovation as more people switch to solar energy instead of energy generated by fossil fuel-burning power plants.  

For 20 years, the solar power industry has focused on developing highly efficient and less expensive technology to encourage integration into our power infrastructure.  

In fact, the solar panel technology has explored many innovative solutions to make it more aesthetically appealing compared to the traditional counterpart.  

Now, generate clean energy, save money and even increase the value of your home by having better aesthetic look; thanks to innovative solution of Boston start-up.   

Research from the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab shows that on average, a house with a 3KW solar system commands a $17,000 higher selling price than a comparable house without one.  

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Images credit: Sistine Solar  

Two Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate students have designed new innovative solar panels that suit your house design and texture. The custom solar panels blend in with your roof.  

Sistine Solar start-up has founded by Senthil Balasubramanian and Ido Salama; aims to make creative design of solar panels without compromising the functionality of the solar panels.  

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Images credit: Sistine Solar  

The inspiration came for starting the Sistine Solar; while watering the campus and they raised a question – “What would the world look like if solar energy were truly beautiful?”   

They set a mission and started gathering the information about the project. Jonathan, a PhD candidate at MIT’s Photovoltaic Research Lab and Samantha, an award-winning artist from Italy – joined the team to get through the result.  

Sistine Solar’s SolarSkin panel has won the MIT Clean Energy Prize in Renewable Energy in 2013 and it has received a million dollars from the resources of the US Department of Energy SunShot Initiative to develop the SolarSkin panels last year.   

As per their site, the SolarSkin panel specifications – It has an efficiency range of 15-17% and has size – 65” L x 40” W x 1.5” D (1640x1000x40mm). It weighs about 17 kg and gives about 250 watts of power.  

“We at Sistine Solar are on a mission to showcase the innate beauty of solar energy through stunning design, captivating the world’s imagination and ushering in the era of clean energy. We passionately believe did by designing beautiful products did generate electricity more elegantly, we can capture the hearts and minds of the world, driving the mass adoption of clean energy,” says company’s website.   

Starting next year, Sistine Solar will begin selling “SolarSkin” panels that blend in with the texture of a roof by mimicking tiles, slate, wood shingles and other materials. Visit SistineSolar to get more information about the product.


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