SEO Pitfalls that Can Drop Ranking on Google in 2020

Today’s digital marketing is all about content and SEO (search engine optimization). The marketers are always upgrading themselves to reach out to the target audience so that they can become their customers easily.

Things have changed by time, and so does the SEO dynamics. It was not that much challenging before for the marketers to brainstorm strategies and put it rightly in the place. As the growing competition demands for your dedication, it is vital to learn that SEO pitfalls may not bring goodies to your home. 

Are you on the right track? If still exploring where SEO fails, then this post will help you learn about SEO misuse that can simply rank down your content or website on Google. 

SEO Pitfalls That Should Not Keep Aside Ever

1. Keyword Stuffing is Always Bad 

Google finds content more compelling and reachable to the target audience that has keywords rightly placed. Contents that have keywords placed here and there in adequate quantity are ranked top on Google. 

But there is one mistake that affects ranking a lot – keyword stuffing. 

Whenever you add a keyword more than a prescribed number, it affects the ranking a lot. Keyword stuffing was a profitable practice in the past; with the changing algorithms and customer demands, Google has started penalizing websites that have too many keywords. 

Limit your keyword density in the range of 1 to 2% only. This strategy is way too helpful for marketers to stand higher in the digital competition. 

2. Put Up the Specs But Still Can’t Find that Text 

There is another harmful SEO practice that makes your site vulnerable to Google ranking. Hidden text is something that your viewers may not see, but a digital marketer is well-aware of it. 

The strategy was somewhat effective for the previous versions – hidden texts have always helped the websites to become noticeable when searched on the search engine. 

Google’s verdict about the tactic is that hidden texts are a deception, which manipulates its ranking algorithm. And not only this, but it also violates Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. 

China B2B trade sites strictly follow the rules, and that’s why it’s SEO has become a matter of success. You can also develop the same strategy. Avoid adding texts in the white background or at the back of the images. Be loyal to your visitors because these are your potential customers for life.

3. Redundancy is Not a Good Choice 

Duplicity or redundancy – both are regarded as how you show up to the visitors. Many websites fail to rank top on the search engine. Do you know why?

These websites have too many duplicate contents placed on different places of the web pages. SEO strategy fails here because even the visitors don’t find it interesting to read the same information again and again and then end up losing their focus. 

SEO demands tailored and engaging content that provides unique information in every line. If your website is losing the game, then here is the chance to avoid failure reaching you. Prevent duplicated content as much as possible that is even beneficial for SEO. 

4. Let’s Name Harm as Redirects 

Another SEO pitfall to look at is redirected. A redirect is something that takes a user to another page instead of the desired URL. 

This is something really dangerous to your Google ranking. For example, if I want to buy shoes from a site and want to visit its shoe catalog page but it ends up taking me to the homepage. How may I feel then? Completely fuming on the website’s function. 

There is always a way out. Don’t panic at first because it can affect your whole marketing at once. Simply create a new redirect link, which is when clicked shows the same content as expected. 

5. Updating Title or Meta Tags

Do you know the importance of a title tag? It helps Google to understand the content of the website. If you have recently updated the title tag, Google will fail to understand what exactly your website has. It is not considered good practice in SEO because when the slightest change occurs, Google becomes numb while reacting to the change. You can also check out the 15 SEO trends for a better understanding of the skills.

The best practice is to rewrite the new title. Not only this but adding a keyword in the title will also help Google to rank your website on the top. 

And a special note to enhance your SEO experience. Frequently rewriting title tags places a negative impact on the ranking. If you want to build connections and convert visitors to the customers, then stick to one page first and then move to another one to manage things properly.

The Verdict 

Google is becoming smarter, and our concepts and experiences are becoming too old. It is the utmost requirement of digital marketing to keep oneself updated so that such challenges can be avoided at the earliest.

SEO is not everyone’s cup of tea – it requires dedication and endless enhancements to become a pro in the field. These are just a few SEO pitfalls to know, and we believe something is better than nothing.

Mellisa Parker

I am a content writer, blogger and a fashion junkie with a passion to write on the latest trending topics that affect the social sphere of this world.

Mellisa Parker has 52 posts and counting. See all posts by Mellisa Parker

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