
Should You Repair Or Replace Your Water Heater?

If you’re recently facing issues with your water heater, then it might be the case that you’re also wondering whether to replace or repair it. There’s not a single, universal answer that can fit every question and your decision will depend on the circumstances. 

It’s generally believed that the life expectancy of a normal water heater is around 11 – 14 years. There are a bunch of factors that can point towards its shorter lifespan, such as improper installation, extreme climate, heavy demand, poor maintenance, hard water, etcetera. 

Ways To Know Whether To Replace Or Repair Your Water Heater

1. The Age Of The Water Heater

In case your water heater is close to the end of its life, then it would be the best idea to replace it. Sometimes, repairs can be costly and doing a major repair at the end of the water heater’s life expectancy will be a wastage of your hard-earned money. 

If your water heater is more than ten years old, then chances are that the device is not as efficient as it used to be back in the day. There will be wear and tear along with internal corrosion. Moreover, it should be kept in mind that old systems are more susceptible to leakages. A small leakage can lead to the growth of mould and deteriorate the quality of life inside your house.

But, if it’s a blown fuse, tripped breaker or even a faulty thermostat – you can easily do repairs using hot water system repairs in Perth services. Small repairs will cost you less than replacing your water heater.

2. The Electricity Bills Are Increasing

If you notice that you have to dial up your water heater more to get the same level of temperature which used to be less earlier – it means that the device is becoming less energy efficient. If your water heater is becoming less energy efficient, it has to work harder and longer in order to obtain the same set of results. This will lead to higher electricity bills as well.

You cannot afford to give a pass to the inefficiency of your water heater if it’s eating up your monthly family budget and expenses. If your water heater produces hot water no longer at the same temperature as it used to do, then it will be more cost-efficient to just get it replaced.

3. The Frequency And Cost Of Repairs

It’s a wise decision to always make an analysis whenever your water heater breaks down and you have to do a repair. A decision has to be made by you, whether to continue with the repair or do a total replacement. The smarter choice should prevail in these circumstances. 

You can do your analysis by using the 50 per cent rule. It’s stated in the 50 per cent rulebook that if any kind of repair will cost you almost 50 per cent of the overall cost of replacing the water heater, then the water heater should be replaced outright, instead of repairing. But, if the repair costs do not exceed the 50 per cent mark, then you have to keep the frequency of your water heater repairs and overall age in mind. 

If you experience frequent breakdowns over a course of time, then it’s a sign that your water heater is close to the end of its life. Any future repairs will not be worth the money you spend on it. 

4. The Accumulation Of All The Factors

At first, it might seem painful to upgrade to a new water heater altogether. This is because you have to spend money again on a utility device and that same utility device might also cost you more in the long run. Times like these are when you have to accumulate all the factors together and make sure that you’re making the right decision.

For example, you have to examine how well your water heater has been maintained over the years. These include regular inspections, prompt repairs and preventing any build-up of sediments. If you see that your examination has turned positive, then it’s worthy to keep your water heater. 

You also have to examine whether the current water heater is the right size for your family. Times might change since you bought your water heater back in the day – like you could be married or have kids of your own now. If your family frequently runs out of sufficient hot water, then it’ll be a wise decision to replace your water heater with a bigger sized model or variant. 

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