PC or Laptop: which one is best for playing your favorite games?
When buying a computer to play, what do you think will be better, a portable gamer or a PC gamer? The question is pertinent, in this article we will try to help the consumer who is looking for his next gaming devices such as a PC or laptop. Take a look below at the analysis of some fundamental points that should be taken into consideration at the time of buying a gaming computer.
Regarding portability: A Laptop
Obviously, laptops have many more conditions to be transported from one place than desktops. This is the great advantage of them in all comparatives, even when it comes to games. For those who travel a lot, or want to take enjoy games at friends and family homes, this is the best option.
Besides, even to play indoors, if you do not want to stay fixed in the same place or room for a long time, the laptop is much better. In the summer, for example, many people have only one room with air conditioning and play outside this room, in case you have a PC elsewhere, it should not be very pleasant.
Regarding performance: A PC
Normally, desktop computers have better performance than portable computers. Since, they last longer, have the capacity for larger and more powerful hardware equipment, and they are not difficult to customize. Anyone can play with basic knowledge and set up a very powerful computer.
It is possible to buy a good quality video card and renew it over time, upgrade it to RAM, and so on. In portable computers, this is a bit more complicated. Finally, for those who looking for a good and long term performance traditional computers are certainly better.
As for screen: A PC
Obviously, a large monitor with excellent resolution can also be connected to laptops. However, this is not the most common. It is normal to use only your screen, which is more traditional models does not exceed 15.6 inches. On the other hand, it is possible to use screens of various sizes On PCs.
Though, it is simpler to find a Full HD image monitor and connect it to your desktop. For those who want to play with a big screen, the traditional PC is better.
Regarding maintenance: A PC
As analyzed in performance, the PC is much easier to open and modify. And, obviously, this also happens when doing maintenance. Repairing a component, and even replacing it, is much easier (and cheaper) than doing it on the laptop. Not to mention that the lifetime of the PC is usually longer.
After all, with the laptop, there are more risks of harm than with a PC, especially if you move the laptop everywhere. You may hit the laptop somewhere, it will fall or scratch. Therefore, PCs are safer options, and with more independent and friendly hardware to repair.
As for prices: Both
Buying a high-end gamer PC and a top-of-the-line online gamer notebook may end up leaving the same price. If you compare only the CPU and the laptop, the PC cabinet will probably come out cheaper. However, taking into account that it is necessary to also buy the screen, in addition to some accessories, this may end up coming out almost the same.
Model Tips
More than models and brands, the important thing is to have good options: dedicated video card is essential with at least 2 GB of graphics-only memory, a Core i5 or i7 processor and at least 6 GB of RAM. It is also recommended to buy enough space in the HD.
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