How to Make Different Medical Compression Wraps?
Compression wraps are the oldest healing procedure first described by Hippocrates. It is a multi-layered medical dressing that acts as a distracting and absorbable agent. By the nature of the impact, this procedure is divided into several main types: cold (lotions), hot, warming and medicinal compresses.
Types of Compression wraps
There are various types of compression wraps. They are mentioned as follows given below:
Cold compresses
A cold, or cooling, compress (lotion) is effective for bruises, bleeding, fractures, and sprains. This is the safest compress. Contraindication to its use is only pneumonia.
Such compresses are recommended for nosebleeds, migraines and functional pains in the heart. They are often used to prevent high blood pressure in the elderly during thermal procedures (such as baths).
The action of this compress is to narrow the blood vessels and slow down trophic processes in the body. Due to its ability to reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, it can also be used as an anesthetic.
A cold compress is applied topically to inhibit acute inflammatory processes, reduce swelling and reduce pain. It is also used for neurasthenia (with a gradual decrease in water temperature on the interscapular region and lower leg) and elevated body temperature.
For this procedure, you will need a clean towel (a piece of gauze folded in several layers, or a large ball of cotton wool). It is moistened in cold water or a medicine (for example, a decoction of plants), squeezed and applied to a sore spot. After heating the compress, it is again dipped in a cold liquid and again placed on the inflamed area of the body. Usually, the procedure is repeated every 2–4 minutes until relief comes.
Instead of cold water, you can use ice (water frozen in a dense plastic bag) or pure snow. In this case, between repetitive procedures you need to take a break of 10-15 minutes. Such compresses are not recommended for children.
Hot compresses
Such a compress is used as a resolving agent for local inflammation. The procedure is performed for renal, hepatic or intestinal colic, migraine with spasm of cerebral vessels, angina attacks, bronchial asthma, joint pain and muscle spasms of the lower extremities. Hot compresses are effective in case of injuries, but in this case, you need to start them not immediately, but only on the 2nd day.
This procedure activates metabolic processes, eliminates vasospasm, strengthens local blood flow and relaxes muscles, which leads to a pronounced analgesic effect.
For the procedure, you will need a gauze napkin or other natural fabric that absorbs water well. It is moistened in water heated to 60–70 ° C, slightly squeezed and applied to the sore spot. To keep warm, put on top oilcloth or plastic film, then cotton wool, and on top of it – woolen cloth, blanket or heating pad. Change the compress every 10-15 minutes.
To enhance the effect of such a procedure, you can use drugs or natural remedies (decoctions, infusions, etc.) So, basically there are a lot of benefits of compressions wraps just there is a need to get the right product and with proper medical prescription.
Hot compresses are contraindicated in purulent skin diseases and bleeding. In addition, they cannot be performed at elevated body temperature and high blood pressure, as well as in the presence of inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity.
Warming compresses
These compresses lead to a prolonged expansion of the superficial and deep blood vessels, as well as a rush of blood to the site of inflammation, as a result of which it resolves, and the pain disappears.
Warming compresses are used for certain inflammations, tonsillitis, colds, infiltrates after injections, myositis, cervical osteochondrosis, lumbar radiculitis, rheumatism, gout, arthrosis, arthritis, the effects of injuries of joints, ligaments and bones. These procedures are also useful in the treatment of inflammation of the ear, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi.
Since the warming compress has a strong therapeutic effect, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using it. The fact is that in some cases, such a procedure can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.
For this compress, gauze or other fabric (cotton, linen) folded in 3-5 layers will be required. It is dipped in water or a healing solution at room temperature, slightly squeezed and applied to the sore spot. The compress should go about 2 cm beyond the edges of the problem area.
Compress paper is placed on top, which should be 3-4 cm larger than the fabric, and a layer of cotton. Then this part of the body is covered with woolen cloth and fixed with a bandage, a scarf or a warm scarf.
How to make a medical compress?
The action of the warming compress is to form an environment with high humidity and temperature under the compress paper (conditions of a steam bath). It is very important that each subsequent layer overlaps the previous one, in which case moisture will not evaporate ahead of time.
If after the start of the procedure there is a chill, it means that the warming compress was done poorly, it must be removed and applied correctly. When cotton wool or compress paper does not cover the moistened gauze completely or if everything was poorly fixed, air begins to enter the space between the compress and the skin. In this case, the evaporation of moisture will not cause heating, but cooling.
A warming compress, unlike a heating pad, uses not external, but internal heat, which accumulates during the procedure in body tissues. Its action is to improve blood supply to cells and accelerate metabolic processes.
As a result, the healing substance from the compress penetrates through the opened pores of the skin into deeper tissues. Swelling decreases, inflammation subsides, painfully contracted muscles relax.
To check the correctness of applying the compress is simple: just put your finger under the bandage and determine the humidity of the inner layer. The procedure was carried out well if, after 2 hours, the inner layer did not dry, but remained moist.
After removing the compress, rinse the skin with warm water and pat dry with a towel, and then wrap it.
You can not use the same tissue during the repeated procedure, since toxic substances released from the skin accumulate in it. Before making a new compress, the fabric must be washed.
If the compress is used to treat trophic ulcers or non-healing wounds, compression paper cannot be used in it. When expanding the veins of the lower extremities, compresses with decoctions of chamomile, sage and horsetail are used; with allergies – decoctions of viburnum, string, and celandine.
Medicinal compresses
A variety of ingredients can be used for medicinal compresses, including vodka, alcohol, cologne, a weak vinegar solution, oil extracts, decoctions of herbs, juice and pulp from berries or vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, etc.).
With cervical radiculitis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, gout and injuries, compresses with alcohol diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3, or with vodka diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, have a good effect. A cloth moistened with alcohol should not be in contact with the environment to prevent evaporation from under the compress. Compressor paper is placed on the alcohol pad and covered with a warm cloth.
Compresses with oil extracts are called activated. Natural vegetable oils are used for them, for example, sea buckthorn, rosehip, juniper, peach, and olive. Such compresses are good for joint diseases (radiculitis, gout) and the consequences of joint injuries. They can also be used for skin diseases (ulcers, burns, long non-healing wounds, etc.).
A good therapeutic effect can be achieved using medicinal plants in the compresses (cherry or lingonberry leaves, raspberries, juniper berries). Herbal decoctions and infusions are most often used for lotions.
Compresses on large joints of the upper and lower extremities
Compresses on large joints of hands and feet are superimposed as follows.
Prepare a piece of warm wool fabric so large that it can wrap the joint twice. Spread matter on a stool or chair, put compression paper on top.
Moisten gauze or other cotton cloth with water or prepared medicinal product, squeeze slightly and put on compression paper. Gently wrap the affected joint with a prepared three-layer compress and leave for the right time.
Compressions on small joints
Such compresses are applied by bandaging. Then you need to put warm socks on your feet, and woolen gloves on your hands.
The method of bandaging is performed and compresses on the face and head.
Compressions for the back
Such a compress is performed to relieve pain in the back and spine and is also used for the stagnation of blood and fever.
A piece of cotton fabric folded several times in length from the 1st cervical vertebra to the coccyx is placed on a woolen blanket. You need to lie on your back, wrapping the edges of the matter on your sides. Then you should cover yourself with a warm quilted blanket so that air does not enter the compress.
Hold the compress for 45 minutes. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.