
Finding The Right Influencers To Sponsor And Market Through

Influencer marketing is a powerful strategy that allows you to expand and standralize your online reach, increase brand awareness, and build a strong reputation for your company by allowing outside sources to advocate for your brand. Recent studies have found that almost 97% of brands believes in the power of influencing and hiring an influencer marketing has been a successful strategy for a surprising 94% of marketers from various industries surveyed.

Since this is the era of social networking – the well known global platform; where sharing a tiny piece of information is done in the blink of an eye. People across the world are familiar to the impactful functioning of social channels. Its work comes down to two things: authenticity and reach. And that is the reason this mode of sharing can prove to be a successful step towards marketing and sponsoring your brands or products.

Influencers or bloggers are people who are illustrating their way of life by sharing and setting an example for others , so that the people who watch them can adapt their lifestyle and follow their fashion savour . People see them, then like it, then  they share and recommend to others.

Why? Because they are inspired by them and trust their opinions and recommendations. And that’s how things go trending! Marketing through influencers or collaborating with them helps in recognition and popularity. The chain goes on and on & marketing works like this. And let me tell you  this doesn’t go an easy way!

Finding the right people to broadcast your brand involves a lot of instructions to be kept in mind. here am discussing some major ones here:

Don’t go for number of followers: 

Choosing the right sponsors for your commercial is an important role in this process. Facebook pages and Instagram accounts run on number of followers. But don’t let the figures fool you, as most accounts with a huge number of followers include automated bot accounts or fake accounts from apps that help them to  gain tens of thousands of followers.

Choose wisely: 

It is better to choose people that may not have a numerous number of followers on their account, but rather have an engaged and interactive audience. They must have the right personality and the right audience in order to align your campaigns to be successful. Choose influencers that are industry specific to start with, so that they can effectively market your brand.

Convince them first: 

Now that’s a task for you! In order to find a sponsor for your marketing, you have to keep in mind that your way of convincing attracts them. It becomes difficult for them to deny your deals. Some of them think of profit making while some are conscious about their own preferences. So your offer has to be both!

Set a bonus plan for your influencer: 

Once your sponsor is finalised, make settlements in favour of both of you. Now, when you are asking them to review or promote your brand or product- benefit them according to your convenience. Start with a free sample for them to try on. Treat them as a part of your marketing team not a hired candidate to function on your call. Mutually benefitting offers could be another incentive such as; offering a discount code they can offer to their followers, or a donation to their name. Creating a working relationship should be the goal of collaboration.

Set up a goal for your campaign: 

It is important to keep in touch with your influencers in any business relationship,& not to forget that pressuring or insisting are something that has to be avoided. Give them time to think and respond and to act accordingly. Make guidelines for them to use and even provide them some goals to focus on. Use words and tags to promote your business, and explain them all the entities you want to focus on, Set up a destination for when to take a break from the sponsorship.

Their relationship with their audience matters: 

They know their followers best and know better how to connect or tempt their audience. Give your influencers the freedom to choose the way they think is best in order to meet the goals. Avoid monocracy and restrictions on them. Let them decide how things could help  better.

Their opinion is a concern: 

Do not impel your plans on them. First share your thoughts and wait for their views on it. Be keen enough to know if they wish to make changes on it. Discuss and plan further. Do not overcrowd them. Ask them to make some time for the project so that their routine is not disturbed by you.


Once everything is set, it has to be made sure that the guidelines or the rules or amendments that you both have agreed on, doesn’t get violated; neither from your side nor from theirs. Provide them tasks to operate on, that too in a genuine scheduled manner.

Final Thoughts: 

There could be further number of steps to focus on while finding a social media influencer, you can search them on our social site and reach them directly or through the available options. Once you are done connecting with the influencer you can ask them for interviews, either one or two to make sure that they would be a right choice. When decided; you can then frequently contact them to build a stronger relationship. Send mails to guide them.

Make it a two way workplace; ask them for their creative approach that can help you in the betterment of your sponsorship ideas. Because you don’t have to come up with content for social media platforms on your own. Influencers can prepare posts that will resonate with their audience and will align with their general online presence.

Kate Westall

I am Kate Westall, a freelance writer and a professional blogger, who enjoys enlightening others about unknown and little known facts. I love to write on all general and professional topics. Follow me on social media to know more.

Kate Westall has 45 posts and counting. See all posts by Kate Westall

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