How Green Tech Innovations will Boost Ecology in the Years to Come
To address the needs of the market, numerous global corporations have already created a plethora of revolutionary green products, including electric and hybrid cars, solar panels, cloud computing platforms, and numerous power-saving solutions.
Most importantly, this industry is constantly evolving, making most of these options available to ecology enthusiasts.
However, what are the latest innovations in this field and how will they influence ecology in the future?
Biodegradable Materials in Green Computing
Their main aim is to raise environmental awareness, decrease the level of e-waste and create powerful and yet energy-saving devices.
What most of us didn’t know back then is that, as one of the most durable materials, bamboo has the strength that can rival steel. Most importantly, its ability to regenerate itself upon harvesting makes it a perfectly renewable source and the most logical substitute for plastic.
The company combined a minimalist and yet classy bamboo frame with the high-end hardware configuration, creating an eco-friendly and lightweight device with downright sexy looks.
Similar to Asus, Lenovo joined the International Sustainable Development Foundation program and developed with its “greenest” L Series laptops. Even though such eco-friendly innovations in IT are optional for now, they are expected to become an industry-standard in the years to come, raising green computing to a much higher level.
Wood-Based Chips Reduce E-Waste

According to some recent stats, roughly 41.8 million tons of electronic waste was generated worldwide just in 2014. The same study also points out that only 15-20% of all e-waste is being recycled regularly. To address this rising problem, numerous projects have been undertaken in the last few years.
Cloud Computing Saves Energy and Trees

However, in order to understand the potential of cloud computing when it comes to improving our environment, you need to look at the big picture.
- Saving energy. The recent research emphasizes that, if all businesses in the U.S. moved their workflow to the cloud, they would save their computing energy by 87%.
- Preventing deforestation. Did you know that an average of 18 trees is cut down for every 10 employees every year? Given these pretty disturbing digits, it’s not surprising at all that 42% of all global wood harvest is used to make paper. By implementing cloud technologies with other ecological solutions, businesses will manage to save tens of trees every year and, most importantly, raise their employees’ awareness of this issue.
- Reducing pollution. The implementation of cloud technologies can also decrease the need for paper and printers and, in this way, significantly reduce pollution. Namely, paper represents the third largest industrial polluter. While toxic chlorine-based bleaches are used in paper production, methane is emitted when it starts rotting. The same goes for toner cartridges, which emit a wide range of cancerous pollutants such as dioxins and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.