How To Generate Traffic From Social Media For Your Website?

How much good your website is built, and how much good the on-page SEO is done in it, if you don’t get traffic to the site, then all the effort put on making the site goes to vain. That is why for high-quality traffic, you must implement some formulas and tools. And one of the most successful traffic fetching machines is social media.
Social media platforms work wonders in this, and the role of social media in bringing traffic to your website is immense. There is one kind of traffic you get from SEO and marketing. But from social media marketing, you can get a high amount of traffic which gives you real visits from real users.
Traffic that is free and organic
Social media traffic brings in a lot of advantages for you. The first benefit of driving social media traffic is that this traffic you get is purely organic. You get real visitors to your website, and you can gain some good business from them. Another big benefit is that you can get the traffic for free although paid social media traffic does exist, and you may post advertisements on social media websites to get gala traffic to your site. You may do without ads too.
If you are tight on your SEO and marketing budget and are looking for economical ways, then you better go for increased activity on social media through lots of posting, event management, interactions, etc, so that you may get organic and free traffic to your website.
Winning your visitors with visually stimulating content
Content is always good when it is full of information, interactive, helpful, shares facts and figures, and engages the audience. These features can be present in a content of any form. However, content those are with visuals are the most stimulating to human senses. The reason behind that is such content can be seen and immediately perceived without having to go through a few lines of text or without having to hear a few minutes of audio. The tip, therefore, is to post as much of visually aided content as possible.
The more you post content with graphs, pictures, infographics, etc, the better for promotion. They will be seen and perceived immediately, and you will surely get many clicks on the content to send the visitors to your website or landing page. Hence, the sooner you learn to use social media sites like Instagram and Pinterest, the better you will be able to captivate your audience with visuals. Instagram has the popularity of giving brands a high level of engagement which is 4.21% and the best among all other social media sites. Hence it’s easy and quick to get followers from Instagram.
Shareable content
The next thing is sharing. If your content is easy to share, then you can get it spread across several different social media platforms, and user groups much easier. Shareability of content is thus much important. People must be able to share it at ease through mobile devices. It has been seen that much if the news and social media content are read via mobiles. Hence the content must be shareable through smartphones via one or two taps. Share buttons have a role to play here. The easier it is to share, the more traffic it will drive to your website.
Plugins and buttons used on social media sites help in this sharing process. It makes it easy for readers to share content instantly without getting distracted or without looking elsewhere for the sharing buttons.
If you are using a WordPress site, then you can use your social media sharing buttons at such places of the blog or website, where you are getting the maximum user clicks. Free plugins are there to tell you the click volume, and this will help you realize where to place your social sharing buttons. SEO for the content Sharing content is not the only thing in social media.
If you are not sure about using the right keywords in content, then it may bring traffic but not give your links the needed exposure before search engines. To get it right you must do proper SEO of the text or image content you are posting on the social sites. SEO for the content of any style and file format is possible.
Follow your audience behavior
If you see that your audience is reacting, and your traffic is increasing gradually after certain postings, then do repeat posting with new contents on those particular social sites in a pattern. Be regular with your postings, and you will see the traffic spike up.
For best posting schedule, and never miss posting on social media on the determined day and time, you can maintain a social media posting calendar. This will guide you and never let you miss posting content timely on the social sites. And when you are regular, you would set the expectation of posts for your readers too on those sites.
Analyze competitor posts
Your competitors must also be posting on social media. And you can analyze what and how they are posting. This will help you plan things better. This will also help you create more engaging and useful content to captivate readers.
Note the social media sites where your posts are getting the best response. These sites are your main traffic fetchers. If you stay regular here, then you would get traffic from these sites only. Also, this will help you realize what your readers exactly like about your posts, and which kind of posts are getting more liked. Driving traffic to a website from social media sites is one of the easiest things to do when done consistently, patiently, strategically, and with some good research.