
Eco Wave Power’s Gibraltar Wave Energy Project Inaugurated and Became Europe’s First Grid Connected Wave Energy Array

Ocean waves are caused by the wind as it blows across the sea. Waves are a powerful source of energy. The problem is that it’s not easy to harness this energy and convert it into electricity in large amounts. Thus, wave power stations are rare.   

It seems that the existing technologies (such as: point absorber, overtopping, oscillating water column, and wave attenuator models) do not have the abilities to reach high energy conversion rates and therefore cannot become competitive with burning fossil fuels.  

However, more efforts are being carried out by the energy producing companies to make it reliable and economical to the world by Innovative design.  


Inna Braverman, CoFounder of Eco Wave Power, with Mr. Picardo Hon Chief Minister of Gibraltar and Dr. John Cortes, Minister of Enviorment and Climate Change (Image credit: EWP via Multivu)  

As per latest EWP announcement, its energy project was formally opened by the Chief Minister, Hon. Fabian R Picardo and by the Minister of Health, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Dr. John Cortes, and is now exporting electricity into Gibraltar’s power grid.  


Wave Energy Project (Images credit: EWP via Multivu)  

The project is the first array of wave power generators to be connected to an electricity grid in Gibraltar and in Europe, operating multiple wave units, under Commercial PPA terms.  

Charles H. Collinson, Director of European Programmes that co-funded the power plant in Gibraltar, said that: “on behalf of the EU commission and the EU program Secretariat in Gibraltar, I wish every success to Eco Wave Power. May it expand and produce a lot more renewable energy and I hope we are able to collaborate in future expansion of this project”  

products wave clapper

Wave clappers (Image credit: EWP)  

The expansion of Eco Wave Power’s power plant from 100KW to 1MW to 5MW is currently in the design phase and will feature the largest Eco Wave Power units yet with a targeted capacity of some 10 times of the current generation, as reported by Multivu.  

How does Eco Wave Power System work?  

The EWP convertors draw energy from wave power throughout uniquely shaped buoys, “The Wave Clapper” and the “Power Wing” that rise and fall with the up and down motion, lifting force, change of water level, hydraulic air lock, and incident flux of waves.  

The “Wave Clapper” and the “Power Wing” are fully equipped with sensors which continuously monitor the performance of the various subsystems and surrounding ocean environment. As a result, Data is transmitted to shore in real time.  

In the event of upcoming storms, the system automatically “recognizes” the type of waves, and independently “decides” whether to raise the buoys over the water level, or to create a process of buoy submersion into the ocean, in order to protect the system from mechanical injuries, states EWP.  

Eco Wave Power is an advanced and innovative international wave power developer, headquartered in Israel. The company was established after a period of conceptualizing and planning for a new and competitive wave energy technology.  

It designs manufactures and operates the EWP wave energy converters. The EWP technologies (The Wave Clapper and the Power Wing) are “smart” wave generation systems, which use uniquely, shaped buoys to capture and convert wave energy into low-cost, clean electricity.  

Eco Wave Power’s technology has been under development since 2011, and since then the company tested its technology in Ukraine and installed a pilot plant in Jaffa Port.   

Moreover, the Company received Pioneering Technology status from the Chief Scientist of the Energy Ministry in Israel Dr. Bracha Halaf, won Numerous Innovation Awards by Frost & Sullivan, Energy Globe Award, Erasmus University and others.   

In addition, EWP invested significant efforts to finalize an impressive projects pipe line of 111MW worldwide, and establishing 3 subsidiaries in Gibraltar, China and Mexico, with additional ones to be established shortly, as reported by Multivu.


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