Are You Earning as per Your Desire or Expectation From Online?
If your answer is ‘Yes’, you don’t need to read this article. Unfortunately, many of us are striving to crack this puzzle in life.
Making money online has a bit of a scammy sound to it, but many achievers are getting regular earning 5+ figures a month through online.

Image source: pngall
People try hard to earn online and fail despite their sincere efforts. Could you zero out the problem?
Yes…it’s a lack of systematic and scientific approach to this issue. Many guys are unable to focus on proper way or approach towards online business to earn a legitimate income.
Based on the research and experience, I have compiled the list that could be the most comprehensive list to make money online.
Start Writing
An ability to write is the foremost requirement in effectively earning money online. The blogging is a platform that can propel your efforts and helps in reaching your goals easily.

Image source: Inetsolutions
By combining other sources of income, such as paid reviews, ad networks, affiliate sales you could make big deals online and earn a handsome income.
Keep your passion/interest at the front than the focus on making money, knowing the fact that you will be more efficient and effective when you have in soul topics and inherent capabilities.
To start with, there are many platforms for writing a unique and touchy article, like,, Livejournal,, Tumblr, Niume, Steemit, and more.
Earning from the Articles
If you wish to monetize your existing blog or website, there are many avenues of online income which could help in reaching the earning targets.
Some of the following websites could give you an opportunity to earn parallel income.
Pay Per Post, Post Joint, Review Me, Smorty, Social Spark, Blogitive, Blogsvertise, Blog to Post, Creative Weblogging, Digital Journal, Linkwork, LinkVehicle, Linklift, Expo TV, Telied and others.
Podcasting and eBooks
Podcasting is a very important tool to reach out your readers or audience to earn huge income compared to content writing. Many people make online income through direct advertising through their podcasting.

Image source: bassleer
Writing and self-publishing eBooks is a great way to earn money passively. It’s an additional income earned to your main income through online.
Online self-publishing platforms, such as,,, could be used to leverage your income from eBooks.
Sailing through Affiliate Marketing

Image source: DigitalMarketing Knowledge
One saying, ‘Make Money While You Sleep’ is true for Affiliate Marketing concept revenue sharing online income.
In simple words, to promote other people’s products through an affiliate network, earn a commission if people actually end up buying!

Image source: Top5SEO
There are plenty of websites that support the affiliate marketing business, few are mentioned below:
AdPlosion, Affiliate Future, Amazon Affiliate Program, Avangate, Clickbank, Clickbooth, ClixGalore, Commission Junction, CPA Lead, CX Digital, DigiResults, DirectLeads, Ebay, Epic Direct, E-Junkie, IncentAclick, LeadPile, LinkConnector, LinkShare, ShareASale, ThinkAction, and others.
Boost Income via Social Networks
If you have a large social following then this could probably convert your efforts into an additional source of income.
Today, social media has become more attractive proposition to any individual or corporate to connect their readers or prospective customers. It helps in generating massive advertisement income due to easy reach and efficient online response.
You can try the following:
Twitter – AdFly, MyLikes,, Revtwt, Sponsored Tweets, TwitPub, Twivert
Facebook – Get paid for Likes
Pinterest – Pinbooster
Email Marketing
Bloggers/websites can engage with the large following and make money through email lists.
The sites that support for generating the email lists – MailChimp, Inuvo, iContact, Getresponse, Free Follow Up, Aweber, etc.
And one final thing before I go on…you can use your skills such as writing, singing, blogging, voice-over, data-entry, music, photography, travel, etc to sell your products or services to generate the spectacular online earning.
Everything which I wrote is no unrealistic tricks…it’s 100% white hat…just follow these steps scientifically that will reach you to a new online income horizon.