9 Quick Ways to Stay Safe from Cyber Attacks

In the era of digitalization, almost all our business and informal communication, even financial transactions have been digitized. It eases our life a lot, but it is a double-edged sword, it means that digitization has its own drawbacks such as; prohibited attempts to steal user information, doing online transactions through others credit/debit card details, hacking someone’s social media accounts.
The recent reports show that in 2017, many companies have become victims of cyber crimes due to their poor security measures. So nowadays, most of the companies are investing big bucks in security to prevent their user confidential information and data from cyber criminals and other cyber threats.
The nine easy steps to enhance your business security are elaborated further:
#1. Install a firewall on your server
The majority of cyber attacks happen due to the compromised access details, but installing a firewall can improve the safety of your website.
Two types of firewalls are available which you can install such as; a server-side one and a website one. You can install as per your requirement and budget.
#2. Get a basic Ddos protection
Secondly, you can add the next layer of protection which is simply called a DDoS protection. if you have already established your business, a straightforward and free protection plan from Cloudflare will be enough for your business.
Although it is not meant to defend you from a proficiently organized DDoS attack, it could be a perfect alternative for your personal web portal and blogs. Besides it, as your business starts growing, you may choose a payment plan – either from them or from other providers. You can select your plan which suits your budget well and effective for your website.
#3. Install a SSL certificate
Installing SSL Certificates on your website not only help to secure your website, but also help to improve ranking in search engine. The normal SSL certificate only encrypts the information on a single domain of a website, however, Wildcard SSL Certificate encrypt data on all sub domains across a website. Moreover, Wildcard SSL is easy to install, economical in pricing, trustworthy, easy to manage and quick Deployment characteristics make it widely use.
#4. Protect the important data
Sensitive data are quite vulnerable and easily be attacked by cyber criminals. Always protect your sensitive information first by checking how your crucial data is being accessed by employees.
If there is any chance to access your crucial information without authorization, tackle this first and always double check the procedures usually you use to lock the information to ensure its safety and out of reach for burglars.
#5. Use two-factor authentication and strong passwords
The risk of getting hacked can be diminished by using Two-Factor Authentication and strong passwords. Persuade all your workers to use two-factor authentication because it enhances the security by including some additional steps for accessing the company accounts.
In this Authentication system, password and OTP is used which is sent on employee’s smart phones for logging into the account and accessing the information.
#6. Conduct inspections on a usual basis
When your corporation begins flourishing and you are not able to compromise with the data security system. You may hire a full time or part time basis cyber security consultant who can perform audits and protect your private data from getting hacked.
#7. Use a strong sign-off policy
Using a strong sign-off policy in your company can keep your corporation protected and secure from cyber threats. Under this sign-off policy, all the employees have to return company’s laptops and mobile devices before leaving the office premises. Beside it, the email address the employee use on a regular basis is also encrypted to protect from any data leakage and information remains confidential.
#8. Insure your company against cybercrime Nowadays, plenty of corporation are available that provide insurance policies against cyber crimes and hackers. This will be worth investment in your business since it covers all the threats and risks which might be raised by hackers and viruses.
Additionally, by getting provide insurance policies against cyber crimes and hackers, you can do estimate about the damages that you may go through and also can calculate the level of the risk that your company would be involved in.
#9. Keep an eye on employees
Employees are considered one of the primary elements of the business as they know all about your business and are acquainted with the operations. Try to make them trustworthy to the company and make a good relation with them.
Additionally, always keep a record of all the mails and messages that are exchanged between them. Regularly examine how they use company passwords and stay these passwords secure from unauthorized workforce.