
5 Futuristic Home Security Systems

The demand for home security only grows stronger and stronger. With the innovations and advancements that continue to be made with our use of technology, home security systems and devices get consistently more creative with the ways they provide protection.   

When you’re on the prowl for the latest and best in home security systems, it’s wise to stay current with what’s available to you.   

Even though there are plenty of home security systems that have been around, providing protection for years, the enhancements that are continuously made throughout time only ensure further security and more convenient options. 


  You may find some of these innovations more suitable for your home. Below, you’ll learn about some of the most futuristic home security systems.   

Face and Voice Recognition  

Face and voice recognition is already widely used for smartphones and computers. Now, it’s become a popular home security feature. As these features continue to grow favorable, the security industry continues to find ways to make face and voice recognition a part of their home security systems. This feature will disable the system for familiar voices and faces, only alerting the homeowner of unfamiliar persons.   

Robotic Security Guards and Remote Controlled Guard Dogs  

Believe it or not, robots have emerged as some of the latest and greatest in home security. Whether you prefer a robotic security guard equipped with cameras, sensors and microphones or a robotic guard dog that you can control by remote, you’re in luck. These new creations are making waves and only continue to improve in the amount of protection they can provide.   

Technology that Sense Movement through Walls  

By using radio waves, there are now security features that can sense movement through walls, alerting you of trespassers before they even enter a room. The radio waves are connected to your wireless router and can be set to ignore the movement of pets. As interest grows in this new home security feature, it will eventually become fine tuned to provide even further protection.  

FakeTV Response  

The FakeTV Response mechanism is timed to turn on at dusk. It then turns on your home’s television and lights to appear as though someone is home. Individuals that often travel or those that own vacation homes have shown great interest in this new energy efficient home security device. It helps deter criminal activity while the owner isn’t home.  

Smart Door Knobs and Doorbells  

Smart door knobs and doorbells can sense when someone arrives and will alert you on your smartphone. Once alerted, you can remotely lock or unlock the door. The doorbell feature will even sense a person as they are walking up to the door, alerting you before they even knock or ring the doorbell. 


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